Some common indications for a stress echo include:
A Stress Echocardiogram, or Stress Echo, is a simple and non-invasive test used to check for heart problems that might only show up when your heart is working hard, like during exercise.
The test usually takes about 30 minutes. Before you start any exercise, we’ll perform an ECG (an electrical tracing of your heart) and an Echocardiogram (like an ultrasound for your heart) while you’re at rest.
After these initial checks, you’ll walk or run on a treadmill, just like a normal workout. We’ll continuously monitor your heart activity, heart rate, and blood pressure during this exercise.
Once you’ve reached the target heart rate, we’ll move you back to the bed quickly. We’ll do another Echocardiogram to get more pictures of your heart. Then, we’ll compare these new images with the ones we took before you exercised to see if there are any unusual changes.
The test is safe, but if you feel chest pain, become very tired, or extremely short of breath, we’ll stop the test right away. Rarely (in less than 1% of cases), some people might experience an abnormal heartbeat, fluid build-up in the lungs, chest pain or even a heart attack. Death from this test is extremely rare.
Once the test is over, you can go back to your normal activities. But remember to talk to your doctor about any medication you were told to stop taking for the test. They’ll let you know when it’s safe to start taking it again.
This test helps your doctor understand how your heart works when it’s stressed and gives them important information to help manage your heart health.
To get ready for the test, please make sure to:
Medications to stop 48 hours before the test:
Unless your referring doctor has told you otherwise, please stop taking these medications 48 hours before the test:
Please stop the above medications UNLESS your referring doctor has told you otherwise. If you are unsure, you may ask your referring doctor and then let us know. Please ask them and then let us know.
Also Note: Patients are not permitted to bring visitors into the appointment room. This includes family, children, guardians, friends and/or carers. Language interpreters are permitted to accompany the patient to the appointment room.
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